Rollover Accidents - What Causes Them and What You Should Do

There are 280,000 rollover accidents each year. More than 10,000 people a year die in these car accidents. A rollover occurs when a car turned on its side or roof. While any vehicle can roll over Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) are light trucks and vans tend to be involved in this type of motor vehicle is involved.

SUVs are particularly prone to rollovers because they have a high priority. In addition to the tendency to roll, which is typical narrowWidth between the left and right wheels, and raised the level of the vehicle to accommodate four-wheel drive. All this combines to the reduced stability. This is stability, decreased even further when they are passengers or heavy cargo is loaded into the SUV.

Light commercial vehicles to negotiate with all-wheel-steering system with reduced capacity for sharp curves and corners, while mini-vans with raised suspension, roll that several passengers with greater probability.

A rollover can be triggered either ""or "un-triggered. trigger a rollover occurs when a vehicle is sliding sideways, usually because of too much cornering while driving at high speed, the tires hit areas still stop to dig glide over uneven pavement surfaces, is in soft ground, struck a guardrail or push a snow bank. Another scenario for a rollover, where a vehicle is traveling to a high velocity and one side of the vehicle pushes against an object such as a guardrail. The third kind of rollover is when a vehicleYou try to go down a slope so steep, the vehicle does not remain upright.

Tripped Rollovers account for 95 percent of rollover accidents.

The remaining 5 percent of rollover accidents are un-triggered. Un-rollover accidents are caused as a rule, if a vehicle breaks to avoid a collision at high speed.

Speed, along with alcohol, is a major factor in fatal rollover. Seventy-five percent of fatal rollover crashes are due to a speed of more than 55 miles per houron rural roads over the weekend. The research shows driver distraction is responsible for fatal single vehicle rollover crashes than at the time of the accidents were the most drivers for driving under favorable conditions.

Approximately 15 percent of rollover crashes involved a collision with another vehicle. A side impact collision is most likely to cause a rollover.

In contrast to the front, rear and side crash, a rollover crushed the roof, which often cause serious head injuries forPeople who behave inside the vehicle. Seventy-five percent of occupants killed in rollover collisions are ejected outside the vehicle through broken windows, windscreen and doors.

If you or a loved one have been an occupant of a vehicle involved in a rollover crash, it is advisable to get a lawyer to rollover accidents experienced contact for legal advice.

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